We've excellent music and The Bath Children's Literature Festival too.
Lets start with the music. The brilliant Turin Brakes are playing Komedia here in Bath on Thursday 22nd. They’ve just released their ninth studio album Wide-Eyed Nowhere and in my humble opinion, it is brilliant.
Going with a very a very different musical style, we have Soul Soundings Workshop at the Abby here in Bath, Saturday evening from 7.30. This is the second special singing event in the Abby where you can participate. It’s led by Jane Harris, choir leader and director of Songways, based here in Bath.
It seems an amazing opportunity to try your own singing skills in the amazing acoustics of Bath Abbey, with help and encouragement from others around you.
The final two events this weekend are rather family orientated events but should be really fun.
First we have David Baddiel at the Bath Children’s Literature Festival on Saturday morning talking about his new children’s book The Boy Who Got Accidentally Famous. He’s at the Guildhall at 10 so an early start!
Also on Saturday and part of Bath’s Climate Festival, there is a Woodland family morning at Mike’s Meadow, Batheaston where you can, play in the mud kitchen, learn seasonal crafts, sing songs and enjoy popcorn or marshmallows on the campfire. Bring your children and see the start of Autumn in.