Years of video tells Gabucci Bath’s unique story
Compilation of key clips from 7 years of filming Gabucci Menswear in Bath covering service, design and manufacture of clothes and semi-bespoke nature of the garments, each produced in tiny numbers. Also talking about getting through the pandemic and providing suits and matching ties for male wedding guests, and sustainability in fashion and what Gabucci do to lessen their impact environmentally.



Ali talks about Gabucci with clips from the last few years.

This is the seventh year for Gabucci documenting through video, the new shirts and ties we are selling and talking about the services we offer.

The above compilation will give you a real feel for who we are and what we believe in, our passion for Italian and Scottish wool and our belief in using smaller producers in England and Europe to produce our clothes.

It also covers our specialisations, in providing matching or complimentary outfits for grooms and their males guests for weddings, in supporting our customers with fast and very high quality alterations and tailoring, and in providing garments that are responsibly produced and environmentally friendly.

Finally we talk about the semi bespoke nature of the shirts, suits and jackets we make and sell, each style only produced in tiny numbers.

The video is 20 minutes long but is broken into separate chapters, talking about the key services and developments over the last years. You can select chapters from the green timeline at the base of the video but if you click on the three horizontal bars to the right hand side end of the green timeline, a list of titled chapters will appear and you can select whichever appeals, or of course, feel free to watch the full video. 
